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Indian Anti-Dumping Duties

On 5th May 2016, the Grand Slam against imports of thick MDF (6mm and above) into India was completed with the inclusion of Indonesia and Vietnam in the list of countries slapped with anti-dumping duties. MDF mills in Malaysia, China, Thailand and Sri Lanka were penalised with anti-dumping duties since 2009 bringing the total numbers of countries shackled with the MDF anti dumping duties to six.

The anti-dumping duties are geared to help protect the local industry from injury by unfair dumping or selling by an exporting country at an unfairly low price. The simple rule is that if an exporting country sells a product cheaper than its own domestic market and cause business injury of an importing manufacturer, it is considered dumping.

So what happens if someone imports MDF into India from the list of anti-dumping countries?

The importer has to pay extra anti-dumping duties in addition to the regular import duties. The duties varies from mill to mill from zero duty up to US$ 64.35 per cbm. So be care from whom you are importing from as you may be charged the most duties if you are unlucky enough to choose one with the highest rate.

The complete listing for Anti Dumping Duties for MDF into is India as follows:-

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